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From:XINGKONG SPORT 2024-06-21



When it comes to fitness, hing the right equipment is essential. In this article, we will explore the English vocabulary for various types of fitness equipment.

Cardiovascular chines

Cardiovascular chines are designed to increase heart rate and improve cardiovascular endurance. Some common examples include:

  • Treadmill: 跑步机
  • Elliptical Trainer: 椭圆机
  • Stationary Bike: 固定自行车
  • Rowing chine: 划船机
  • Stair Stepper: 楼梯机

Strength Training Equipment

Strength training equipment helps in building muscle strength and improving overall body composition. Here are some examples:

  • Dumbbells: 哑铃
  • Barbell: 杠铃
  • Weight Plates: 杠铃片
  • Kettlebell: 壶铃
  • 星空体育官网登录入口

  • Resistance Bands: 弹力带
  • Weight Bench: 杠铃凳
  • 各种健身器材的英语

Functional Training Gear


Functional training gear focuses on developing strength, balance, and flexibility through natural body movements. Some popular items include:

  • Bosu Ball: 平衡球
  • Medicine Ball: 医学球
  • TRX Suspension Trainer: 悬挂训练器
  • Resistance Bands: 弹力带
  • Balance Board: 平衡板


Hing a good understanding of the English names for different fitness equipment is useful when communicating with trainers or fellow fitness enthusiasts星空体育网站入口官网手机版. Whether you prefer cardiovascular chines, strength training equipment, or functional training gear, using the correct terminology will help you nigate the fitness world more confident.

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